Our Club Bar
For many years Amphitryon has had its own Club Bar. The Club Bar has changed places many times in the rich history of the Association. For example, the Hotel School used to start on the Boschstraat in Grand Hotel du Levrier et l'Aigle Noir. The Hotel School was founded there in 1950 and 1 year after it was founded, Amphitryon was founded because Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Spronck felt like they were missing something and wanted to add another dimension.
The first Amphitryon Club Bar was therefore also to be found on the Boschstraat in the sparkling center of Maastricht. A few years later the hotel school moved to the Chateau Bethlehem in Limmel. The Teaching Hotel can still be found here today.
Over the years, the Club Bar of Amphitryon has taken place in various places within the Chateau. For example, Amphitryans were first able to attend in the French Room after which they moved the Club Barto the attic.
As the Hotel School grew in capacity, the Club Bar moved into the school building. There the Amphitryans could enjoy the delicious Brand lager where the school's warehouses are now.
Amphitryon also logically grew larger and larger and thus outgrew the space at the bottom of the Hotel School. In 1988, construction began on the new Club Bar where we still reside today. The Club Bar opposite the castle and between the campus buildings opened its doors in 1989.
Meanwhile, after more than 30 years, Amphitryon is once again busy with bright future prospects. The Board is busy with the project concerning a new Club Bar. No doubt you will hear more about this later.